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MXF DH2528H Savings Calculator – Calculations & Details


Liters of fuel consumed / year:

Number of hammers owned * Usage hours / day * 200 Working days * 1.3 l / hour

Number of Hammers owned

User input

Usage hours per day

User input

200 Working days

Average for a year

1.3 l / fuel per hour

Hourly consumption according to compared tool’s manual (12/2017)


Fuel price / liter:

If selected pre-mixed fuel:

Pre-mixed fuel price / l = Fuel price / l


If selected self-mixed fuel:

Gas price / l * 0.98 + engine oil price / l * 0.02 = Fuel price / l

Pre-mixed fuel price / l

User input / Suggested values

Gas price / l

User input / Suggested values

Engine oil price / l

User input / Suggested values


98% gas needed for 2-stroke fuel


2% engine oil needed for 2-stroke fuel


Fuel cost / year

Liters of fuel consumed / year * Fuel cost / l = Fuel cost / year

Liters of fuel consumed / year

See calculation above

Fuel cost / l

See calculation above


Battery charges / year

Number of saws owned * Usage hours / day * 200 Working days * 3 batteries / hour

Number of saws owned

User input

Usage hours / day

User input

200 Working days

Average for a year

3 batteries / hour

20 minutes of trigger time per charge for a MXF XC-406 battery




Cost of one battery charge

Electricity price (€/kWh) * Battery charges / year * 0.5 kWh / charge

Electricity price

User input / Suggested values

Battery charges / year

See calculation above

0.5 kWh / charge

Battery can hold 0.432 kWh. Rounded up to include charging losses.


Charging cost / year

Battery charges / year * Cost / battery charge

Battery charges / year

See calculation above

Cost of one battery charge

See calculation above


Yearly gas savings

Fuel cost / year – Charging cost / year

2 Year gas savings

Fuel cost / year – Charging cost / year * 2 years

Fuel cost / year

See calculation above

Charging cost / year

See calculation above


CO2 savings / year

Liters of fuel consumed / year * 2.344 kg CO2 / liter of fuel

 2 Year CO2 savings

Liters of fuel consumed / year * 2.344 kg CO2 / liter of fuel * 2 years

Liters of fuel consumed / year

See calculation above

2.344 kg CO2 / liter of fuel

CO2 emissions of one liter of mixed fuel according to IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories by Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI)


Repair/Maintenance cost

Frequency (times / year) * Average price

Frequency (times / year)

User input

Average price

User input




Yearly Repair/Maintenance savings

Repair/Maintenance cost (petrol tool) - Repair/Maintenance cost (MXF DH2528H)

2 Year Repair/Maintenance savings

Repair/Maintenance cost (petrol tool) - Repair/Maintenance cost (MXF DH2528H) * 2 years

Repair/Maintenance cost (petrol tool)

See calculation above

Repair/Maintenance cost (MXF DH2528H)

See calculation above


Total operational savings

1 Year operational savings

Yearly gas savings + Yearly Repair/Maintenance savings

2 Year operational savings

Yearly gas savings + Yearly Repair/Maintenance savings * 2 years

Yearly gas savings

See calculation above

Yearly Repair/Maintenance savings

See calculation above




Suggested values

Pre-mixed fuel price / liter

Average value, based on internal research conducted in 17 European countries. (10/2019)

Gas price / liter

Data sourced from


Engine oil price / liter

Average value based on internal research conducted in 17 European countries. (10/2019)

Electricity price / kWh

Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets by the European Commission.

(Q3 2019)

Repair prices (petrol hammer)

Average value based on internal research conducted in 17 European countries. (10/2019)

Repair prices & frequency (MXF DH2528H)

Internal service expectancy




Compared to a “petrol-driven demolition hammer” (1.3 l/h fuel consumption, 90 cm³ engine displacement, 60 J impact energy, 1440 BPM)